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Language Popularity Index - Web queries done on: 2013/07/01 18:49
Language category:
any *)
123 entries.Rank Name Share Last month's
shareLast year's
share 1 C 17.668% 15.868% 16.825% 2 Java 14.720% 15.450% 20.381% 3 Objective-C 8.230% 8.516% 9.221% 4 C++ 6.770% 7.544% 7.912% 5 Basic 5.457% 5.955% 7.592% 6 PHP 4.401% 4.144% 4.247% 7 Python 3.658% 3.363% 3.616% 8 C# 3.269% 3.444% 4.598% 9 Perl 2.566% 2.455% 2.459% 10 Ruby 1.918% 1.392% 1.576% 11 Pascal 1.265% 1.324% 1.120% 12 JavaScript 1.200% 1.310% 1.418% 13 Ada 1.120% 1.221% 0.935% 14 R 1.089% 1.136% 1.228% 15 Lisp/Scheme 0.880% 0.806% 0.540% 16 Logo 0.874% 0.851% 0.653% 17 COBOL 0.864% 0.793% 0.538% 18 Fortran 0.797% 0.813% 0.624% 19 MATLAB 0.775% 0.779% 0.446% 20 Forth 0.762% 0.794% 0.308% 21 D 0.634% 0.595% 1.135% 22 Bourne shell 0.613% 0.817% 0.688% 23 Go 0.600% 0.564% 0.711% 24 Prolog 0.597% 0.645% 0.371% 25 Haskell 0.597% 0.515% 0.399% 26 Scala 0.589% 0.372% 0.233% 27 Erlang 0.571% 0.682% 0.270% 28 Delphi 0.557% 0.627% 0.826% 29 PL/SQL 0.529% 0.555% 0.389% 30 APL 0.515% 0.531% 0.355% 31 SAS 0.510% 0.531% 0.439% 32 LabView 0.492% 0.443% 0.134% 33 NXT-G 0.416% 0.441% 0.316% 34 Lua 0.404% 0.424% 0.553% 35 ABAP 0.383% 0.433% 0.212% 36 Smalltalk 0.366% 0.355% 0.359% 37 Oberon 0.352% 0.273% 0.109% 38 ABC 0.316% 0.317% 0.306% 39 Scratch 0.311% 0.348% 0.320% 40 Dart 0.310% 0.286% 0.105% 41 ML 0.279% 0.266% 0.314% 42 J 0.249% 0.283% 0.206% 43 Oz 0.249% 0.225% 0.088% 44 Eiffel 0.232% 0.224% 0.205% 45 Groovy 0.229% 0.152% 0.115% 46 ActionScript 0.209% 0.223% 0.130% 47 Awk 0.171% 0.179% 0.283% 48 Transact-SQL 0.168% 0.137% 0.070% 49 Focus 0.161% 0.164% 0.215% 50 XSLT 0.161% 0.062% 0.025% 51 Icon 0.152% 0.137% 0.136% 52 YACC 0.151% 0.175% 0.010% 53 PL/I 0.147% 0.141% 0.169% 54 RPG (OS/400) 0.141% 0.141% 0.261% 55 VBScript 0.140% 0.137% 0.174% 56 Caml/F# 0.133% 0.099% 0.093% 57 IDL 0.132% 0.142% 0.107% 58 MUMPS 0.124% 0.119% 0.123% 59 VHDL 0.122% 0.118% 0.095% 60 PowerBuilder 0.122% 0.107% 0.043% 61 Clojure 0.111% 0.109% 0.121% 62 LabWindows/CVI 0.110% 0.112% 0.009% 63 ColdFusion 0.108% 0.110% 0.088% 64 MAX/MSP 0.107% 0.078% 0.034% 65 SIGNAL 0.105% 0.115% 0.061% 66 OpenEdge ABL 0.101% 0.083% 0.002% 67 Rust 0.099% 0.092% 0.018% 68 Verilog 0.091% 0.093% 0.035% 69 Occam 0.090% 0.089% 0.105% 70 Factor 0.088% 0.084% 0.076% 71 X10 0.087% 0.091% 0.089% 72 Mathematica 0.087% 0.045% 0.045% 73 Lingo 0.082% 0.066% 0.051% 74 Falcon 0.078% 0.094% 0.039% 75 Dylan 0.078% 0.084% 0.106% 76 Modula-2 0.076% 0.074% 0.088% 77 Q 0.076% 0.066% 0.092% 78 REXX 0.074% 0.070% 0.080% 79 FoxPro/xBase 0.072% 0.061% 0.007% 80 Alice 0.069% 0.050% 0.175% 81 Ocaml 0.067% 0.068% 0.082% 82 io 0.066% 0.051% 0.068% 83 PowerShell 0.061% 0.064% 0.096% 84 Tcl/Tk 0.060% 0.054% 0.063% 85 CL (OS/400) 0.060% 0.044% 0.043% 86 Clipper 0.057% 0.486% 0.075% 87 Limbo 0.053% 0.054% 0.054% 88 Boo 0.051% 0.052% 0.057% 89 S-lang 0.049% 0.050% 0.061% 90 PostScript 0.049% 0.050% 0.075% 91 Metafont 0.047% 0.026% 0.002% 92 Maple 0.045% 0.026% 0.032% 93 Cg (Nvidia) 0.042% 0.038% 0.050% 94 Racket 0.041% 0.040% 0.048% 95 Natural 0.040% 0.042% 0.045% 96 Parasail 0.040% 0.037% 0.001% 97 Vala 0.039% 0.040% 0.051% 98 Progress 0.038% 0.022% 0.036% 99 Modula-3 0.037% 0.031% 0.034% 100 SISAL 0.034% 0.025% 0.013% 101 SuperCollider 0.032% 0.032% 0.028% 102 MAD 0.032% 0.022% 0.027% 103 Euphoria 0.030% 0.032% 0.040% 104 Coffeescript 0.023% 0.018% 0.012% 105 AppleScript 0.021% 0.023% 0.036% 106 Fantom 0.018% 0.019% 0.039% 107 BlitzMax 0.017% 0.017% 0.018% 108 Cyclone 0.017% 0.018% 0.023% 109 Nemerle 0.017% 0.014% 0.003% 110 Gambas 0.015% 0.015% -- 111 Avenue 0.014% 0.014% 0.015% 112 Rebol 0.014% 0.014% 0.020% 113 Genie 0.014% 0.014% 0.023% 114 XQuery 0.012% 0.012% 0.009% 115 Scriptol 0.008% 0.009% 0.007% 116 ATS 0.007% 0.008% 0.011% 117 Csound 0.007% 0.007% 0.010% 118 NetRexx 0.007% 0.007% 0.008% 119 Informix/4GL 0.005% 0.001% 0.007% 120 TeX / LaTeX 0.004% 0.003% 0.008% 121 Scilab 0.003% 0.004% 0.008% 122 Harbour 0.003% 0.002% 0.002% 123 JavaFX Script 0.003% 0.297% 0.007% Language category:
general-purpose *)
48 entries.Rank Name Share 1 C 26.623% 2 Java 22.182% 3 Objective-C 12.401% 4 C++ 10.202% 5 Basic 8.223% 6 C# 4.926% 7 Pascal 1.906% 8 Ada 1.688% 9 Fortran 1.201% 10 Forth 1.148% 11 D 0.955% 12 Go 0.904% 13 Haskell 0.899% 14 Scala 0.888% 15 Erlang 0.860% 16 Delphi 0.839% 17 Smalltalk 0.552% 18 Oberon 0.530% 19 ML 0.421% 20 Eiffel 0.349% 21 Icon 0.229% 22 PL/I 0.221% 23 Caml/F# 0.200% 24 Rust 0.149% 25 Occam 0.135% 26 Factor 0.133% 27 X10 0.131% 28 Dylan 0.117% 29 Modula-2 0.115% 30 Ocaml 0.102% 31 Clipper 0.087% 32 Limbo 0.079% 33 Boo 0.076% 34 Parasail 0.060% 35 Vala 0.059% 36 Modula-3 0.055% 37 SISAL 0.051% 38 SuperCollider 0.048% 39 MAD 0.048% 40 Euphoria 0.046% 41 Fantom 0.027% 42 BlitzMax 0.026% 43 Cyclone 0.026% 44 Nemerle 0.025% 45 Gambas 0.022% 46 Genie 0.020% 47 ATS 0.011% 48 Harbour 0.005% Language category:
script *)
49 entries.Rank Name Share 1 PHP 19.801% 2 Python 16.458% 3 Perl 11.545% 4 Ruby 8.628% 5 JavaScript 5.399% 6 R 4.898% 7 Lisp/Scheme 3.960% 8 MATLAB 3.488% 9 Bourne shell 2.757% 10 APL 2.316% 11 NXT-G 1.871% 12 Lua 1.819% 13 ABC 1.421% 14 Scratch 1.401% 15 Dart 1.395% 16 J 1.122% 17 Oz 1.119% 18 Groovy 1.030% 19 ActionScript 0.942% 20 Awk 0.770% 21 VBScript 0.629% 22 IDL 0.596% 23 PowerBuilder 0.547% 24 Clojure 0.500% 25 ColdFusion 0.486% 26 MAX/MSP 0.483% 27 Mathematica 0.390% 28 Lingo 0.369% 29 Falcon 0.352% 30 Q 0.340% 31 REXX 0.335% 32 Alice 0.311% 33 io 0.295% 34 PowerShell 0.273% 35 Tcl/Tk 0.272% 36 CL (OS/400) 0.270% 37 S-lang 0.222% 38 PostScript 0.222% 39 Metafont 0.212% 40 Maple 0.202% 41 Racket 0.186% 42 Coffeescript 0.103% 43 AppleScript 0.093% 44 Rebol 0.064% 45 Scriptol 0.036% 46 NetRexx 0.030% 47 TeX / LaTeX 0.018% 48 Scilab 0.015% 49 JavaFX Script 0.012% Language category:
other *)
26 entries.Rank Name Share 1 Logo 14.778% 2 COBOL 14.597% 3 Prolog 10.099% 4 PL/SQL 8.939% 5 SAS 8.619% 6 LabView 8.317% 7 ABAP 6.482% 8 Transact-SQL 2.837% 9 Focus 2.728% 10 XSLT 2.713% 11 YACC 2.550% 12 RPG (OS/400) 2.389% 13 MUMPS 2.095% 14 VHDL 2.059% 15 LabWindows/CVI 1.863% 16 SIGNAL 1.783% 17 OpenEdge ABL 1.712% 18 Verilog 1.544% 19 FoxPro/xBase 1.216% 20 Cg (Nvidia) 0.716% 21 Natural 0.677% 22 Progress 0.643% 23 Avenue 0.242% 24 XQuery 0.196% 25 Csound 0.120% 26 Informix/4GL 0.085%
Language Popularity Index - Web queries done on: 2013/07/01 18:49
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25.275% 5
5.495% 3
3.297% 23
25.275% 7
7.692% 7
7.692% 23
25.275%Language display name Name in query Category's short name ↓ Results Results Results Results Results Results Results Confidence ↓ Share Share Share Share Share Share Share Share ABAP ABAP other 14 200 0 209 16 700 54 191 6 100% 0.350% 0.000% 0.013% 0.462% 0.355% 1.539% 0.127% 0.383%
ABC ABC script 23 400 0 115 4 660 9 75 214 23% 0.133% 0.000% 0.002% 0.030% 0.014% 0.139% 1.041% 0.316%
ActionScript ActionScript script 2 420 0 3 940 1 900 38 179 8 100% 0.060% 0.000% 0.244% 0.053% 0.250% 1.443% 0.169% 0.209%
Ada Ada general-purpose 4 740 0 11 400 5 410 242 532 108 100% 0.117% 0.000% 0.707% 0.150% 1.590% 4.288% 2.284% 1.120%
Alice Alice script 2 080 0 11 200 2 410 9 2 2 100% 0.051% 0.000% 0.694% 0.067% 0.059% 0.016% 0.042% 0.069%
APL APL script 671 0 5 160 6 15 303 57 100% 0.017% 0.000% 0.320% 0.000% 0.099% 2.442% 1.205% 0.515%
AppleScript AppleScript script 156 0 151 9 4 2 3 100% 0.004% 0.000% 0.009% 0.000% 0.026% 0.016% 0.063% 0.021%
ATS ATS general-purpose 184 0 58 4 0 1 1 100% 0.005% 0.000% 0.004% 0.000% 0.000% 0.008% 0.021% 0.007%
Avenue Avenue other 100 0 125 5 2 13 3 55% 0.001% 0.000% 0.004% 0.000% 0.007% 0.058% 0.035% 0.014%
Awk Awk script 2 440 0 7 740 2 640 27 2 20 100% 0.060% 0.000% 0.480% 0.073% 0.177% 0.016% 0.423% 0.171%
Basic Basic general-purpose 186 000 0 173 000 97 600 2 895 35 364 97% 4.451% 0.000% 10.403% 2.618% 18.445% 0.274% 7.466% 5.457%
BlitzMax BlitzMax general-purpose 254 0 73 3 1 7 2 100% 0.006% 0.000% 0.005% 0.000% 0.007% 0.056% 0.042% 0.017%
Boo Boo general-purpose 307 0 108 6 1 17 7 100% 0.008% 0.000% 0.007% 0.000% 0.007% 0.137% 0.148% 0.051%
Bourne shell Bash script 3 780 0 10 400 76 900 5 45 0 100% 0.093% 0.000% 0.645% 2.127% 0.033% 0.363% 0.000% 0.613%
C C general-purpose 1 360 000 0 106 000 602 000 4 036 101 1 036 86% 28.855% 0.000% 5.651% 14.318% 22.798% 0.700% 18.840% 17.668%
C# C%23 general-purpose 183 000 0 247 213 000 439 26 75 100% 4.515% 0.000% 0.015% 5.891% 2.883% 0.210% 1.586% 3.269%
C++ C%2B%2B general-purpose 517 000 0 124 000 354 000 1 222 36 257 85% 10.842% 0.000% 6.534% 8.322% 6.823% 0.247% 4.619% 6.770%
Cg (Nvidia) Cg other 674 0 3 440 402 7 14 5 80% 0.013% 0.000% 0.171% 0.009% 0.037% 0.090% 0.085% 0.042%
Caml/F# F%20sharp general-purpose 280 0 114 13 300 1 17 5 100% 0.007% 0.000% 0.007% 0.368% 0.007% 0.137% 0.106% 0.133%
CL (OS/400) CL script 2 990 0 5 510 902 22 12 1 100% 0.074% 0.000% 0.342% 0.025% 0.145% 0.097% 0.021% 0.060%
Clipper Clipper general-purpose 263 0 246 4 13 1 9 100% 0.006% 0.000% 0.015% 0.000% 0.085% 0.008% 0.190% 0.057%
Clojure Clojure script 2 670 0 4 220 3 170 6 46 6 100% 0.066% 0.000% 0.262% 0.088% 0.039% 0.371% 0.127% 0.111%
COBOL COBOL other 21 800 0 18 700 13 000 402 405 27 100% 0.538% 0.000% 1.159% 0.360% 2.640% 3.264% 0.571% 0.864%
ColdFusion ColdFusion script 1 770 0 178 1 020 5 80 7 100% 0.044% 0.000% 0.011% 0.028% 0.033% 0.645% 0.148% 0.108%
Coffeescript Coffeescript script 836 0 221 262 5 12 1 100% 0.021% 0.000% 0.014% 0.007% 0.033% 0.097% 0.021% 0.023%
Csound Csound other 64 0 34 3 0 2 1 100% 0.002% 0.000% 0.002% 0.000% 0.000% 0.016% 0.021% 0.007%
Cyclone Cyclone general-purpose 57 0 53 2 0 1 3 100% 0.001% 0.000% 0.003% 0.000% 0.000% 0.008% 0.063% 0.017%
D D general-purpose 16 100 0 40 200 21 700 29 6 88 77% 0.306% 0.000% 1.919% 0.462% 0.147% 0.037% 1.433% 0.634%
Dart Dart script 1 680 0 225 3 400 1 357 10 100% 0.041% 0.000% 0.014% 0.094% 0.007% 2.877% 0.211% 0.310%
Delphi Delphi general-purpose 34 400 0 30 900 13 600 151 1 20 100% 0.849% 0.000% 1.916% 0.376% 0.992% 0.008% 0.423% 0.557%
Dylan Dylan general-purpose 244 0 88 3 1 1 14 100% 0.006% 0.000% 0.005% 0.000% 0.007% 0.008% 0.296% 0.078%
Eiffel Eiffel general-purpose 834 0 6 640 1 880 5 77 28 100% 0.021% 0.000% 0.412% 0.052% 0.033% 0.621% 0.592% 0.232%
Erlang Erlang general-purpose 5 610 0 7 660 3 760 17 481 35 100% 0.138% 0.000% 0.475% 0.104% 0.112% 3.877% 0.740% 0.571%
Euphoria Euphoria general-purpose 536 0 235 5 0 8 4 100% 0.013% 0.000% 0.015% 0.000% 0.000% 0.064% 0.085% 0.030%
Factor Factor general-purpose 450 0 209 481 8 82 5 100% 0.011% 0.000% 0.013% 0.013% 0.053% 0.661% 0.106% 0.088%
Falcon Falcon script 232 0 0 7 0 72 6 100% 0.006% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.580% 0.127% 0.078%
Fantom Fantom general-purpose 209 0 0 1 0 1 3 100% 0.005% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.008% 0.063% 0.018%
Focus Focus other 711 0 92 454 15 20 25 100% 0.018% 0.000% 0.006% 0.013% 0.099% 0.161% 0.529% 0.161%
Forth Forth general-purpose 1 630 0 7 110 1 820 21 772 44 100% 0.040% 0.000% 0.441% 0.050% 0.138% 6.222% 0.930% 0.762%
Fortran Fortran general-purpose 5 280 0 12 600 4 420 383 381 52 100% 0.130% 0.000% 0.781% 0.122% 2.516% 3.071% 1.100% 0.797%
FoxPro/xBase Fox%20Pro other 73 0 72 4 0 115 0 100% 0.002% 0.000% 0.004% 0.000% 0.000% 0.927% 0.000% 0.072%
Gambas gambas general-purpose 138 0 75 3 1 4 2 100% 0.003% 0.000% 0.005% 0.000% 0.007% 0.032% 0.042% 0.015%
Genie Genie general-purpose 87 0 88 5 3 1 2 100% 0.002% 0.000% 0.005% 0.000% 0.020% 0.008% 0.042% 0.014%
Go Go general-purpose 20 600 0 28 100 20 800 20 3 48 100% 0.508% 0.000% 1.742% 0.575% 0.131% 0.024% 1.015% 0.600%
Groovy Groovy script 2 290 0 6 370 2 210 8 173 14 100% 0.056% 0.000% 0.395% 0.061% 0.053% 1.394% 0.296% 0.229%
Harbour Harbour general-purpose 31 0 29 1 0 5 0 100% 0.001% 0.000% 0.002% 0.000% 0.000% 0.040% 0.000% 0.003%
Haskell Haskell general-purpose 3 190 0 5 750 1 740 20 289 68 100% 0.079% 0.000% 0.356% 0.048% 0.131% 2.329% 1.438% 0.597%
Icon Icon general-purpose 1 100 0 7 530 755 18 65 14 100% 0.027% 0.000% 0.467% 0.021% 0.118% 0.524% 0.296% 0.152%
Informix/4GL Informix%2F4GL other 30 0 45 0 2 6 0 100% 0.001% 0.000% 0.003% 0.000% 0.013% 0.048% 0.000% 0.005%
IDL IDL script 2 500 0 3 730 6 840 12 3 10 100% 0.062% 0.000% 0.231% 0.189% 0.079% 0.024% 0.211% 0.132%
io io script 633 0 9 460 852 2 14 5 100% 0.016% 0.000% 0.586% 0.024% 0.013% 0.113% 0.106% 0.066%
J J script 1 600 0 8 670 694 26 139 22 100% 0.039% 0.000% 0.537% 0.019% 0.171% 1.120% 0.465% 0.249%
Java Java general-purpose 978 000 0 159 000 480 000 2 486 100 678 100% 24.128% 0.000% 9.857% 13.275% 16.329% 0.806% 14.337% 14.720%
JavaFX Script JavaFX%20Script script 209 0 98 1 0 2 0 100% 0.005% 0.000% 0.006% 0.000% 0.000% 0.016% 0.000% 0.003%
JavaScript JavaScript script 55 900 0 68 300 33 700 430 30 45 100% 1.379% 0.000% 4.234% 0.932% 2.824% 0.242% 0.952% 1.200%
LabView LabView other 5 590 0 10 300 1 970 25 635 3 100% 0.138% 0.000% 0.639% 0.054% 0.164% 5.118% 0.063% 0.492%
LabWindows/CVI CVI other 424 0 201 4 1 172 0 100% 0.010% 0.000% 0.012% 0.000% 0.007% 1.386% 0.000% 0.110%
Limbo Limbo general-purpose 117 0 84 4 1 5 9 100% 0.003% 0.000% 0.005% 0.000% 0.007% 0.040% 0.190% 0.053%
Lingo Lingo script 311 0 4 550 321 5 46 7 100% 0.008% 0.000% 0.282% 0.009% 0.033% 0.371% 0.148% 0.082%
Lisp/Scheme Scheme script 4 410 0 8 030 3 850 31 608 78 100% 0.109% 0.000% 0.498% 0.106% 0.204% 4.900% 1.649% 0.880%
Logo Logo other 5 180 0 25 100 4 470 105 648 57 100% 0.128% 0.000% 1.556% 0.124% 0.690% 5.223% 1.205% 0.874%
Lua Lua script 9 000 0 19 700 5 380 26 1 48 100% 0.222% 0.000% 1.221% 0.149% 0.171% 0.008% 1.015% 0.404%
MAD MAD general-purpose 331 0 3 200 439 0 35 7 45% 0.004% 0.000% 0.089% 0.005% 0.000% 0.127% 0.067% 0.032%
Maple Maple script 542 0 9 530 10 12 17 1 100% 0.013% 0.000% 0.591% 0.000% 0.079% 0.137% 0.021% 0.045%
Mathematica Mathematica script 1 110 0 21 800 564 18 27 1 100% 0.027% 0.000% 1.351% 0.016% 0.118% 0.218% 0.021% 0.087%
MATLAB MATLAB script 38 900 0 27 500 20 900 140 324 11 100% 0.960% 0.000% 1.705% 0.578% 0.920% 2.611% 0.233% 0.775%
MAX/MSP MAX%2FMSP script 349 0 179 227 2 139 3 100% 0.009% 0.000% 0.011% 0.006% 0.013% 1.120% 0.063% 0.107%
Metafont Metafont script 5 0 12 1 0 76 0 100% 0.000% 0.000% 0.001% 0.000% 0.000% 0.613% 0.000% 0.047%
ML ML general-purpose 1 310 0 4 610 331 21 13 45 100% 0.032% 0.000% 0.286% 0.009% 0.138% 0.105% 0.952% 0.279%
Modula-2 Modula%2D2 general-purpose 92 0 95 2 59 5 8 100% 0.002% 0.000% 0.006% 0.000% 0.388% 0.040% 0.169% 0.076%
Modula-3 Modula%2D3 general-purpose 9 0 23 0 2 14 5 100% 0.000% 0.000% 0.001% 0.000% 0.013% 0.113% 0.106% 0.037%
MUMPS MUMPS other 361 0 243 1 310 10 26 17 100% 0.009% 0.000% 0.015% 0.036% 0.066% 0.210% 0.359% 0.124%
Natural Natural other 1 180 0 4 900 1 080 9 53 5 45% 0.013% 0.000% 0.137% 0.013% 0.027% 0.192% 0.048% 0.040%
Nemerle Nemerle general-purpose 64 0 27 1 0 26 0 100% 0.002% 0.000% 0.002% 0.000% 0.000% 0.210% 0.000% 0.017%
NXT-G NXT%2DG script 1 860 0 5 640 17 900 35 386 2 100% 0.046% 0.000% 0.350% 0.495% 0.230% 3.111% 0.042% 0.416%
Oberon Oberon general-purpose 113 0 94 3 3 400 19 100% 0.003% 0.000% 0.006% 0.000% 0.020% 3.224% 0.402% 0.352%
Objective-C Objective%2DC general-purpose 25 700 0 33 600 1 120 000 131 7 19 100% 0.634% 0.000% 2.083% 30.974% 0.860% 0.056% 0.402% 8.230%
Ocaml Ocaml general-purpose 674 0 229 152 2 3 11 100% 0.017% 0.000% 0.014% 0.004% 0.013% 0.024% 0.233% 0.067%
Occam Occam general-purpose 351 0 151 2 9 4 15 100% 0.009% 0.000% 0.009% 0.000% 0.059% 0.032% 0.317% 0.090%
OpenEdge ABL OpenEdge other 25 0 33 0 0 163 0 100% 0.001% 0.000% 0.002% 0.000% 0.000% 1.314% 0.000% 0.101%
Oz Oz script 769 0 83 233 6 291 11 100% 0.019% 0.000% 0.005% 0.006% 0.039% 2.345% 0.233% 0.249%
Parasail Parasail general-purpose 59 0 20 3 0 46 2 100% 0.001% 0.000% 0.001% 0.000% 0.000% 0.371% 0.042% 0.040%
Pascal Pascal general-purpose 11 300 0 18 600 8 140 631 406 99 100% 0.279% 0.000% 1.153% 0.225% 4.145% 3.272% 2.093% 1.265%
Perl Perl script 153 000 0 106 000 51 500 155 1 179 100% 3.775% 0.000% 6.571% 1.424% 1.018% 0.008% 3.785% 2.566%
PHP PHP script 203 000 0 109 000 279 000 206 135 145 100% 5.008% 0.000% 6.757% 7.716% 1.353% 1.088% 3.066% 4.401%
PL/I PL%2FI general-purpose 338 0 3 740 9 28 0 23 100% 0.008% 0.000% 0.232% 0.000% 0.184% 0.000% 0.486% 0.147%
PL/SQL PL%2FSQL other 32 900 0 24 100 25 300 110 16 6 100% 0.812% 0.000% 1.494% 0.700% 0.723% 0.129% 0.127% 0.529%
PostScript PostScript script 491 0 235 521 8 1 7 100% 0.012% 0.000% 0.015% 0.014% 0.053% 0.008% 0.148% 0.049%
PowerBuilder PowerBuilder script 414 0 180 270 42 154 0 100% 0.010% 0.000% 0.011% 0.007% 0.276% 1.241% 0.000% 0.122%
PowerShell PowerShell script 2 630 0 6 560 3 070 7 1 1 100% 0.065% 0.000% 0.407% 0.085% 0.046% 0.008% 0.021% 0.061%
Progress Progress other 565 0 9 500 8 2 14 1 100% 0.014% 0.000% 0.589% 0.000% 0.013% 0.113% 0.021% 0.038%
Prolog Prolog other 6 930 0 12 400 7 460 142 386 31 100% 0.171% 0.000% 0.769% 0.206% 0.933% 3.111% 0.656% 0.597%
Python Python script 165 000 0 143 000 91 200 262 54 287 100% 4.071% 0.000% 8.865% 2.522% 1.721% 0.435% 6.069% 3.658%
NetRexx NetRexx script 24 0 14 1 0 2 1 100% 0.001% 0.000% 0.001% 0.000% 0.000% 0.016% 0.021% 0.007%
RPG (OS/400) RPG other 5 850 0 99 5 920 42 88 9 70% 0.101% 0.000% 0.004% 0.115% 0.193% 0.496% 0.133% 0.141%
Q Q script 1 250 0 5 490 555 3 5 9 100% 0.031% 0.000% 0.340% 0.015% 0.020% 0.040% 0.190% 0.076%
R R script 36 200 0 195 23 200 78 6 123 100% 0.893% 0.000% 0.012% 0.642% 0.512% 0.048% 2.601% 1.089%
Racket Racket script 323 0 109 121 1 9 6 100% 0.008% 0.000% 0.007% 0.003% 0.007% 0.073% 0.127% 0.041%
Rebol Rebol script 148 0 92 7 1 3 2 100% 0.004% 0.000% 0.006% 0.000% 0.007% 0.024% 0.042% 0.014%
REXX REXX script 739 0 4 310 10 5 8 10 100% 0.018% 0.000% 0.267% 0.000% 0.033% 0.064% 0.211% 0.074%
Ruby Ruby script 98 800 0 61 700 43 700 78 4 155 100% 2.437% 0.000% 3.825% 1.209% 0.512% 0.032% 3.278% 1.918%
Rust Rust general-purpose 1 010 0 4 480 548 0 68 7 100% 0.025% 0.000% 0.278% 0.015% 0.000% 0.548% 0.148% 0.099%
SAS SAS other 33 700 0 28 800 15 000 181 3 8 100% 0.831% 0.000% 1.785% 0.415% 1.189% 0.024% 0.169% 0.510%
Scala Scala general-purpose 8 690 0 243 3 220 10 559 30 100% 0.214% 0.000% 0.015% 0.089% 0.066% 4.505% 0.634% 0.589%
Scilab Scilab script 152 0 78 5 2 2 0 100% 0.004% 0.000% 0.005% 0.000% 0.013% 0.016% 0.000% 0.003%
Scratch Scratch script 10 800 0 21 200 9 380 31 3 22 100% 0.266% 0.000% 1.314% 0.259% 0.204% 0.024% 0.465% 0.311%
Scriptol Scriptol script 10 0 22 0 0 4 1 100% 0.000% 0.000% 0.001% 0.000% 0.000% 0.032% 0.021% 0.008%
SIGNAL SIGNAL other 703 0 3 090 10 8 143 11 65% 0.011% 0.000% 0.125% 0.000% 0.034% 0.749% 0.151% 0.105%
SISAL SISAL general-purpose 8 0 5 0 1 45 1 100% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.007% 0.363% 0.021% 0.034%
S-lang S%2Dlang script 146 0 115 3 0 0 9 100% 0.004% 0.000% 0.007% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.190% 0.049%
Smalltalk Smalltalk general-purpose 910 0 10 200 874 26 43 55 100% 0.022% 0.000% 0.632% 0.024% 0.171% 0.347% 1.163% 0.366%
SuperCollider SuperCollider general-purpose 275 0 76 9 0 14 4 100% 0.007% 0.000% 0.005% 0.000% 0.000% 0.113% 0.085% 0.032%
Tcl/Tk Tcl%2FTk script 1 270 0 2 240 3 630 10 11 2 100% 0.031% 0.000% 0.139% 0.100% 0.066% 0.089% 0.042% 0.060%
TeX / LaTeX TeX script 198 0 93 5 0 4 0 100% 0.005% 0.000% 0.006% 0.000% 0.000% 0.032% 0.000% 0.004%
Transact-SQL Transact%2DSQL other 1 430 0 4 640 2 390 33 170 2 100% 0.035% 0.000% 0.288% 0.066% 0.217% 1.370% 0.042% 0.168%
Vala Vala general-purpose 259 0 113 8 0 8 6 100% 0.006% 0.000% 0.007% 0.000% 0.000% 0.064% 0.127% 0.039%
VBScript VBScript script 987 0 4 360 1 460 187 15 2 100% 0.024% 0.000% 0.270% 0.040% 1.228% 0.121% 0.042% 0.140%
Verilog Verilog other 1 130 0 4 180 471 6 112 0 100% 0.028% 0.000% 0.259% 0.013% 0.039% 0.903% 0.000% 0.091%
VHDL VHDL other 4 140 0 7 840 2 150 22 61 3 100% 0.102% 0.000% 0.486% 0.059% 0.145% 0.492% 0.063% 0.122%
X10 X10 general-purpose 280 0 111 2 2 58 9 100% 0.007% 0.000% 0.007% 0.000% 0.013% 0.467% 0.190% 0.087%
XSLT XSLT other 282 0 236 746 4 235 1 100% 0.007% 0.000% 0.015% 0.021% 0.026% 1.894% 0.021% 0.161%
XQuery XQuery other 33 0 36 2 0 1 2 100% 0.001% 0.000% 0.002% 0.000% 0.000% 0.008% 0.042% 0.012%
YACC YACC other 53 0 47 0 0 234 1 100% 0.001% 0.000% 0.003% 0.000% 0.000% 1.886% 0.021% 0.151%
Documentation of the parameters, resources, credits can be found in the "search.xls" file, in the project's lang-index-*.zip archive.
Some links about the subject:
Some explanations about the choices of categories "general-purpose", "script", "other".
The choices are subjective and cannot be perfect due to some overlap of categories' definitions.
The Transparent Language Popularity Index. Ada programming.